Although trees and prunes add a beautiful appeal to your landscaping, they can cause serious damage to your roof, especially during heavy winter storms. Large branches that break off during storms can cause expensive damage to your roof. When they land on roofs, this may create holes large enough for water to get inside. Once water gets inside, it can create stains which become a breeding ground for mold, potentially causing your ceilings to eventually collapse.

The closer trees are to your roof, the higher chance of debris build up on your roof.



It is extremely important to inspect your roof for built-up debris. This includes the gutters and valleys. Over time, leaves, twigs and other debris can accumulate in piles on your roof and clog your gutters and downpipes. This will then lead to water overflowing out of your eavestroughs and seeping up under the shingles. If water penetrates under the shingles, it will cause damage to the plywood underneath and lead to leaks. Having a clean roof and gutters allows for proper water drainage.

If you find that your roof collects a lot of debris throughout the year, installing gutter guards can be a good option to assist in avoiding damage to both your roof and gutters.

The gutters control the water flow on your roof and aid in avoiding damage to your home. If your gutters are blocked with debris (especially leaves during the fall), water that is trapped inside can freeze during low temperatures. This will cause ice buildup, which will damage your gutters and/or downpipes and form icicles around your roof. If the gutter and/or downpipe is full of debris and ice, the weight of it can cause it to detach from your home.

Most of the time, the valleys on your roof will have a metal sheet installed – where two slopes meet. If debris is sitting on the valleys for a long period of time, it can lead to rust or corrosion. It is important to ensure these valleys are clear of debris.

You can always call Principal Roofing and Exterior Contractors at (289) 552-6774, and we will send out a roofer to get your gutters cleaned and winter ready!



It is extremely important to check the edges of your roof to ensure that there are no structural damages before the winter starts. If structural damages exist before winter, it creates a high possibility of ice damming occurring.

Ice dams are a build-up of ice that forms along the edges of your roof, within your eavestrough, and around your downspouts due to melted snow. These ice dams can potentially prevent water caused by thaws from draining properly. This can lead to leaks and other damage occurring within your home. Ice dams are usually a result of a lack of sufficient attic insulation (attic insulation top-up is required) and ventilation. Ice dams can cause dangerous structural damage, and due to persistent leaks, can lead to unhealthy mold growth within your attic space.

Attic insulation should be your first step in the prevention of ice dams. Additional insulation can help to prevent ice dams from developing, as it will help to regulate the temperature of Adding sufficient amounts of attic insulation will also help to reduce your home’s energy bills.

If the ice dam issue persists, it may be wise to consult a roofing contractor. The cost to prevent this type of roof and household damage pales in comparison to the costs incurred when trying to repair it. Speak to the experts, and be sure to have your low slope roofing system installed by a reputable and established company.

It is also important to check if your flashing is in good condition. Flashing is a piece of metal that wraps around the perimeter of your roof. It is installed to prevent water from penetrating into your home through your chimney, vent pipes, walls and windows. It is important that they are sealed properly and have no openings and/or dents.



When there are damages/holes in your roof, wildlife can sneak into your home without you even knowing. It is not uncommon for wildlife to make their way into your attic from a small opening, especially as that they are looking for a warm place to call home when the temperature begins to drop.
Before any damages can be repaired, it is important to inspect the area first, otherwise, you can accidentally trap an animal inside your roof. The most common form of wildlife one might find is birds (and their nests). If you believe that you have an animal hiding in your roof, please contact animal control and arrange a day for them to come out at the same time as a roofer from Principal Roofing and Exterior Contractors. This is the best way to ensure the safety of both yourself and the animal.



If you notice any leaks in your home, the first place to check for damages is in your attic. When inspecting your attic, you can call Principal Roofing and Exterior Contractors at (289) 552-6774 to conduct an attic inspection that will include a report with detailed information regarding the condition of your roof. Pictures will be included for your reference. If you would like to do a quick check first, look for the following; moisture and/or leaks, condition of your plywood, level of insulation, signs of mold, rusted-out nails, connected vents and blocked soffits.

In accordance with Ontario’s Building Code, it is required to have a minimum level of 22.25 inches of insulation throughout your attic. The technician reported that the level of insulation in your attic is 18 inches. There are rebate programs that are offered both with Enbridge and Greener Homes – we are happy to provide you with more information if needed. We suggest having the insulation topped off to 22.5 inches of blown-in insulation. If the insulation levels are not topped up, condensation and moisture will start to build up in the attic which can cause further damage.

Leaks and/or water staining are one of the most serious problems that can occur in your attic. Wet plywood or water staining can be a sign that either a leak is coming from the roof or you do not have proper ventilation, which is causing a condensation issue in your attic. This can lead to mold in your attic, which will usually occur near chimneys, vents and/or skylights.

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