Aurora roof in need of replacement vs completed quality roofing project

Aurora roof in need of replacement vs a completed quality roofing project by Principal Roofing in Bradford

How long does a roof last in the Aurora, Bradford, Newmarket area?

Your home’s roof is its first line of defence against the elements, making it one of the most critical components of your property’s structure. If you put off replacing your roof, you can do serious damage to your home, costing you maintenance costs and, even worse, lessening the value of your home on the resale market.

But how does the average homeowner judge when your roof needs replacing? At Principal Roofing, we understand that the cost of replacing your roof is something you’d want to put off – particularly in this economy. Many homes have roofs that are so high up that it’s difficult to accurately judge their condition – and that’s assuming you know what you’re looking for.

In this post, we’ve pulled from the 40 years of experience our roofing teams have in installing roofs in the Aurora, Bradford area to answer a few questions for you:

  • A rule of thumb on how long you can expect a roof to last in the Aurora to Bradford area
  • 3 factors that can shorten that
  • 4 signs to look for if your roof needs replacing

What’s the average lifespan of a roof in the Aurora, Newmarket, Bradford area?

Most traditional asphalt shingle roofs last between 20 – 30 years. That means by the time your roof hits that 20-year mark, you’ve used most of its life. As a rule of thumb, at that point, a roof replacement is usually needed. Or, at the very least, you need to up your maintenance and inspection.

Just bought an existing home and you’re not sure? Ask the realtor or previous owners or just give us a call and our experts will take a look.

But that’s just the average. Three main factors influence roof longevity. In other words, that can shorten your roof’s lifespan:

  1. The weather
  2. The quality of the shingles
  3. The quality of the installation

Weather impact of how long a roof lasts:

Hey, it’s Canada. Our roofs are subject to heavy snowfall and accumulation of ice. That automatically will shorten your roof life.

Roofs in the Aurora and Newmarket area are subject to higher snowfalls and colder temperatures that occur above the Oak Ridges moraine plus the high winds and the bad weather that comes ripping across the open farmland that surrounds us. It’s less of a factor in Richmond Hill and Vaughan where it’s slightly warmer and more developed, but for Bradford roofs and Innisfil, it’s worse. They not only have the open farmlands/winds but also have the lake effect that delivers higher snow loads and blizzard conditions.

As a rule of thumb, shorten the life by 5 years as you go north so, if you’re in Bradford or Innisfil, you may want to consider your roof life at the 15-25 year mark. In Aurora, 20-25 etc.

The quality of the shingles:

While it might be tempting to cut corners and opt for cheap roofing shingles to save money upfront, the long-term consequences can be costly and detrimental. Over time, the cost of repairing or replacing damaged shingles can far exceed any initial savings achieved by choosing cheaper materials.

Quality long-lasting roof shingles

At Principal Roofing, we use long-lasting materials such as the Owens Corning Tru Definition® Duration Shingles or BP Canada Shingles made in Canada and for Canada. That ensures we offer you not only quality materials but good value.

The quality of the roof installation:

In our last post, we shared 5 danger signs to watch for when you’re trying to find a good roofing company in the Aurora area. In it, we explained how the selection of a reputable roofing company plays a vital role in the success of your roofing project. And that means not only how good it looks but also how long it lasts. From counterfeit materials to ‘shingle racking’ and ‘ridging roofing bundles’, poor roofing workmanship can reduce the longevity of your shingles.

If either the quality of the shingles or the installation were sub-par, deduct 5 years from how long your roof may last.

How can you tell if a roof needs to be replaced?

Even a roof built with the best shingles and roofer workmanship will begin to show signs of wear or tear eventually. Roof damage can occur unexpectedly and catastrophically, so it’s important to recognize the signs and take action by calling a professional roofing company for an inspection. Here are 4 signs to look out for:

  1. Missing or Cracked Shingles – Cracked or missing shingles are often caused by the heavy winds we mentioned as part of living in the Aurora / Bradford area. While it’s possible to replace one or two missing shingles, if you’re consistently seeing missing or cracked shingles, it’s time to consider a full roof replacement.
  2. Cracked shingles as a sign of roof replacement

  3. Moss on the roof: Simple science—when there is a lot of moisture being absorbed, moss forms. Moss growth on your roof is a warning sign. While a small amount can often be cleaned off, extensive growth indicates potential damage to your shingles. If your entire roof is covered, it’s likely time for a replacement.
  4. Shingles that are Curled vs Flat: New shingles are designed to lay flat on your roof. As they age, they can become brittle and begin to curl, especially in harsh weather conditions like we get in the Aurora Bradford area. Curling shingles are a warning sign that your roof may be vulnerable to leaks.
  5. Moldy curled shingles as a sign of time for a roof replacement

  6. Light in the attic: Look up! Your attic can offer important clues about your roof’s health. By inspecting your attic, you can identify potential issues like leaks. Look for any sunlight penetrating the roof, as this indicates holes or gaps in the roofing material. Additionally, check the attic walls for signs of water damage, such as discoloration or mold growth.

Do 30-year shingles really last 30 years?

We get this question a lot. Understandably so, given it’s a common term in the roofing business, but it’s not a simple yes or no. “30-year shingles” doesn’t necessarily mean they will last the full 30 years. A number of factors covered above will impact the life of your shingles:

  • Quality roofing workmanship: racking and ridging will crack even the best shingles
  • Quality materials: counterfeit shingles can still say 30-year
  • Weather: the more extreme weather we get, the harder on your shingles
  • Maintenance: cleaning gutters and trimming overhanging branches can extend the life of your roof

In short, you can expect a ‘30-year shingle’ roof to last between 15 & 25 years. However, with the proper installation and quality materials from a professional roofing company like Principal Roofing, your roof can last closer to the full 30 years, giving you full value for your money. And, given property appraisals will deduct money for ‘old-looking’ roofing, you’ll maximize the equity in your home.

Want a roofing job with no surprises? We’ve got you covered! Principal Roofing has been named ‘Best Of’ by HomeStars for roofing companies in the Aurora, Newmarket, Bradford area. Plus a 10-year stress-free labour warranty, extended material warranties, and a minimum of 40 years of experience for each roofing team. Get a free roofing quote today!

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